A Circus Theatre Show
Life on Wheels has been made possible by the following companies & individuals:
Adrian Berry and everyone at Jacksons Lane - www.Jacksonslane.org.uk
Circomedia - www.circomedia.com
Bill, Maria, Paul, Jim, Karl, & everybody at the Black-E - www.theblack-e.co.uk
Labtime & National Centre for Circus Arts - www.nationalcircus.org.uk
Lina and Volt @ Ausform - www.ausform.co.uk
Proteus Creation Space, Basingstoke - http://www.proteustheatre.com
Grants for the Arts @ Arts Council England - www.artscouncil.org.uk
Angela Gasparetto - Director – www.angelagasparetto.com
Simeon Qysea - Choreographer – www.simeonqsyea.com
Barny Wrey, Boris Murzak, Ilya Varty and Dave Mitchell - Rigging
Daphne Sherman, Sheila Moyes and Audrey Marlowe - Voiceover
Oliver Bush - Lighting design www.oliverbush.co.uk
Butler Reeves (Massimo Alessio Zeppetelli) - Sound - www.soundcloud.com/butlerreeves
Helm DeVegas - Sound - www.soundcloud.com/helm-devegas
Emily Buckland - Set design
Tammi Brown - Sugar Crates
Reuben Ross - Videography - www.reubenross.net
Jonathan Green - Photography – www.jonaarongreen.com
Steve Roche - Photography – www.steverochephotography.com
Thomas Lennon - Photography
Laura Garcia Rodriguez Blancas - Photography – www.lauragrb.com
Catherine Brooker - Photography - www.catherinebrooker.com
Barry Welsh and Nick Hunt - FreeFall - https://www.facebook.com...
Danny Chase - www.dannychase.com
Jason Williams - Skater
Lisa and Jessie’s Mum and Dad
And all our supporters through Indiegogo.com: Allie Cooper, Bella Towse, Adam Reynolds, Grania Pickard, Emily Dixon, Lauren Hendry, Lauren Curl, Gill Walters, Abigail Smith, J and J Heaton, Craig Reid, Allana Baxter, Avril Barton, Helm DeVegas, Katie Kubitskey, Steve Tiemens, Gabriella Kriss, Katie Rhymer, Fiona Darroch, Vivien Glasser, Liessa Pratchett, Sue Boshell, Sarah Duerre, Tamzin Zawadzki, Michal Walker, Sarah Krekorian, Katherine Lunney, Caroline Matthews, Joseph Fearn, Zachery Andel, Natasha Collins-Daniel, Kathleen Adair, Jane Beckley, Rowan Thomas, Freda Jackson, Nic Thomas and folks, Ana Cerrato, Stephen Salinger, Patricia Mather, Stephen Curtis, Colin Edwards, Melinda Tonkin, Viveca Gardiner, Ita O’Brien, Juliette Gammon, Clare Walters, Sue Wood, Amanda Ziller, Heather Keskinen, Aoife, Mike Truscott, Janet Truscott, Annabelle Truscott, Fiona Jackson, Robin Martin, Julia Hodges
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